Privacy Policy

By accessing CLARA Group's website (the “Site”), which is affiliated with and owned by Clara Trading Company, registered in the United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (the “Company”), you agree to abide by all applicable laws, conditions, policies and regulations located on the Site and established by the Company to deal with the customer (“Site Terms”), and you acknowledge that you have read it fully, understood it sufficiently, and are fully committed to these terms, as well as comply with any relevant local laws in force in the United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and jurisdiction.

If you do not agree to any of the terms of the Site, you must leave the Site and you are not entitled to benefit from the Site or any of its services.

We draw attention to the fact that the Site and everything it contains is protected under relevant regulations and jurisdiction, the most important of which are Copyright, the Trademark Protection Law, and other relevant regulations.

The user or beneficiary of the Site, whatever the type of use, including but not limited to, from browsing to purchasing and/or submitting a complaint and/or comment, is referred to as the customer (“Customer”).



The Site and everything it contains, including but not limited to the terms of the Site, the operations carried out through it by the customer, etc., are subject to the relevant regulations and jurisdiction in force in the United Arab Emirates. It is specialized in sharing, printing, or selling any customer’s information to any other party. Personal information is private and is protected by Clara Trading Company.

The Site uses a variety of technologies and security procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure once we receive it. For example, the Site stores the customer's personal information on computer systems with limited access to those authorized to view that information, and the Site's employees are trained to safely handle this information and data and keep them informed of the latest developments regarding security procedures.


The customer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account data and password and determining who accesses their computer or the Site application. The customer also agrees and bears full and complete responsibility for any operations or activities that occur through their account and password.

We draw attention to the fact that if you are under 18 years of age, you may not access the Site or use its services or otherwise.

The Site also reserves the full and absolute right to refuse to provide the service, approve any process, terminate the account, remove or modify content, Site conditions, or cancel orders according to its own discretion without any liability.


You can delete the customer's account through the personal page by clicking the "Delete my account" button.


(“Site Terms”) The Site has the right to collect delivery fees or to waive them according to what it sees and decides, whether by providing free delivery during the offers it presents or specifying a minimum amount for the purchase so that delivery is free or other than what the Site deems appropriate, and in the event that the Site requests a delivery fee.

When the products are delivered to the address specified by the customer, the customer will be asked to sign receipt on the copy of the invoice, and the signature serves as confirmation of receipt of the products shown in the invoice and they are in good condition and usable.

If the customer is not present at the address specified by him, the order can be delivered to any person present at the address and signed on the invoice under the responsibility of the customer. The signature of the invoice by the receiving person is considered confirmation of receipt of the products shown in the invoice and they are in good condition and fit for use.

If the address specified by the customer is reached and we are unable to deliver the order, the order will be returned and the customer must contact customer service to schedule another time to deliver the order. Taking into account that the Site is not responsible for any order that has passed thirty (30) days from the date of the order or if the order cannot be delivered to the customer due to a fault with the customer.


There is an option to stop marketing messages through the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the emails.


Pre-order deliveries will be specified at the time of the campaign.